These are not hard requirements but adjustments will need to be made.
Ubuntu (20+)
Apache 2.4
MariaDB or MySQL 5.x (optional)
PHP 8.1+
Add ./vendor/bin to your PATH to gain access to vendor scripts like project.atl, dev.atl, etc, without typing the full path to it. All examples will be making use of this.
The .atl commands have help to see more info by prefixing the command. Example: $ project.atl db lists the configured databse connections while $ project.atl help db will show all the possible db command arguments.

Installation and Setup

Prepare Project Directory
$ git clone app
$ cd app
$ rm -rf .git
Install Framework
$ composer require netherphp/atlantis dev-master
$ project.atl init -y
$ project.atl setup
$ composer update
Edit conf/config.php
Specifically the Project ID, Name, and Domain as a minimum.
At this point PHP's built-in web server should be able to serve the application over basic HTTP. That can be tested with the following command: $ php -S localhost:8080 -t www

Database Configuration

Configure the Default connection.
$ project.atl db --set --host=localhost --db=dbname --user=dbuser --pass=dbpass

Web Server (HTTP)

Configure Web Server (Apache)
If this is the initial setup, it will be easier to say no to SSL to start with.
$ web.atl config
$ web.atl setup
$ web.atl reload
At this point the real web server should be able to serve the application over basic HTTP.

SSL Certificate (HTTPS)

Configure SSL
Configure and fetch a certificate from LetEncrypt automatically.
$ ssl.atl config
$ ssl.atl renew
Update the web server to use the SSL.
$ web.atl config
$ web.atl reload
The web server should now be redirecting to serve the application over encrypted HTTPS. Add the renew command to crontab to automatically renew the certificate.